The Journey, Necessities...

The Journey, Necessities...

More admin...

September has seen me at the computer more than at the winemaking bench… Boo!



But, we’re getting down to the nuts, bolts and actualities of becoming licensed to sell; I’ve been over it before with you here but just to re-cap.. Get your LCQ, get your Manager’s Certificate, get your license..

The License Controller Qualification (LCQ) certificate, is to prove you are familiar and au fait with the Sales and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. I did an on-line course and then the assessment which I recommend doing rather than attempting self study as you need a 100% grade to pass. So, check, I have my LCQ. This week I’ll be putting in my application to the local council for a Manager’s Certificate. For this you need to have a character reference, a work reference (I wrote my own due to not having worked for anyone but myself over the last 15 years), a CV, your LCQ and a whack of money!


One of the many things I’ve been thinking about this last month is seasonality. The lemon season came into full swing in September and I found myself with a whole boxful of beautiful organic lemons. Lemons feel almost like a perennial crop, people with well established trees seem to always have lemons on hand (my own tree is still small). I already have two lemon wines on the go, do I make another? How different will the taste be to make a wine when lemons are actually in season?

Which made me ponder whether seasonality should be part of my kaupapa (a principle or policy)? Or is it un-necessary to be a purist of sorts? I have a lovely chest freezer that I stash fruits in so I can make wine during winter- that’s how I make plum wine in July. Sometimes I’ll buy frozen berries to supplement a brew. I’m not going to stop using the freezer but should I wait until the fruits would naturally be in season before making wines with them? Even though the ferment is a bit slower I do like making wines in winter, having something to do (!) and it means they are ready to drink at the time of year I think they would best be enjoyed. Or, as a friend said to me, I could use the winter time to mend my nets.

I’m still thinking about it, no firm decision made, what do you think? Is it a thing you would find important when choosing a wine or whilst drinking a wine? You can email me back and let me know~ (either hit reply or the wee black box down there).

Until next month my friends; have a good one!



P.S. I made another batch of lemon wine!

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