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Catalyst Fruit Wines

Blackalicious 200ml

Blackalicious 200ml

Regular price $12.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 NZD
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Case Size

Blackcurrants, Black Olives + Horopito

Tasting Notes

Rich deep red, lighter around the rim, nice legs.  Smells of blackcurrants, liquorice, bay leaves and peppercorns.

Don't want to sound too obvious, but it's like an alcoholic Ribena!  There's a sweetness that gives it a lush mouthfeel, but there's this kind of peppery acidic bite right at the end that frankly makes your mouth water for more.

This wine benefits from decanting or letting it breath in your glass before drinking.

Recommend getting one for now and a couple more to cellar.  Will age very well over the next three years.

 Winemaking Notes

Started early summer of 2023 (December) with NZ grown blackcurrants and Spanish grown black olives (yep, the ones you buy in the supermarket), mushed together then covered with boiling water.  The next day, sugar and herbs* were added with more boiling water.  *Herbs being peppermint and mountain horopito from the garden.  Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) is endemic to New Zealand and is known for its pungent peppery leaves.  It's also known as pepperwood or pepper tree.  It has a long history in Rongoā Māori (Māori plant based medicine) and can be used both externally and internally medicinally, but is also used as a culinary herb/spice.

Nine days on the fruit and herbs, then a three month fermentation period.  Six months bulk aged then 6 months in the bottle before release in February 2025.

  • 12.5% ABV
  • Sulfite free
  • Vegan + Gluten Free
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